Your bike mechanic’s favorite mechanic.

If we treat our tools this nice, imagine how we’ll build your dream bike.

The Poggio Workshop focuses exclusively on bicycle service, and dream bike builds.

Not just service. Service.

Why is Poggio Workshop St. Louis’ premier bicycle service destination? Because, from a simple tune-up to a ground-up build, we just believe God is in the derailleurs. You get it.

Our service packages are customized for you. For your exact needs. That’s why we bill hourly (just a little heads up). This is tailored, detailed work, not throw-it-on-the-stand-for-20-minutes stuff. The old adage applies: You get what you pay for.

What you should do is come check us out. We’re casual, Covid-cool and really want to show you why we’re different than any other shop in the city. We’re by appointment only, so hit us up with an email or text.

You can check out our custom, made to measure bikes at

Hope to see you soon.

Schedule your appointment today.
(314) 541-7896

6403A Clayton Road
Clayton, Missouri